DEV Community

Ruby Rogues

Latest episodes

Building Custom Infrastructure with Kirill Kuznetsov- RUBY 604

Building Custom Infrastructure with Kirill Kuznetsov- RUBY 604

Ruby Rogues,
Can you do AI /Machine Learning in Ruby? - RUBY 603

Can you do AI /Machine Learning in Ruby? - RUBY 603

Ruby Rogues,
Vector Search in Rails Applications - RUBY 601

Vector Search in Rails Applications - RUBY 601

Ruby Rogues,
Full-Text Search in Ruby - RUBY 600

Full-Text Search in Ruby - RUBY 600

Ruby Rogues,
Testing API's and Loggers with Rich Steinmetz - RUBY 598

Testing API's and Loggers with Rich Steinmetz - RUBY 598

Ruby Rogues,
Managing Emotions When Programming with Ryan Ong  - RUBY 597

Managing Emotions When Programming with Ryan Ong - RUBY 597

Ruby Rogues,
Building Rails Application with Phlex - RUBY 595

Building Rails Application with Phlex - RUBY 595

Ruby Rogues,
All Things Machine Learning - RUBY 594

All Things Machine Learning - RUBY 594

Ruby Rogues,
How to Make Money at Open Source - RUBY 593

How to Make Money at Open Source - RUBY 593

Ruby Rogues,
Getting to Know Bruce A. Tate - BONUS

Getting to Know Bruce A. Tate - BONUS

Ruby Rogues,
Deploying Ruby on Rails Applications - RUBY 592

Deploying Ruby on Rails Applications - RUBY 592

Ruby Rogues,
Server-Side Request Forgery with Greg Molnar - RUBY 591

Server-Side Request Forgery with Greg Molnar - RUBY 591

Ruby Rogues,
Ruby Packs, Gems and Modularization with Alex Evanczuk - RUBY 589

Ruby Packs, Gems and Modularization with Alex Evanczuk - RUBY 589

Ruby Rogues,
Organizing Local Ruby Conferences (like Blue Ridge Ruby Conference) - Ruby 588

Organizing Local Ruby Conferences (like Blue Ridge Ruby Conference) - Ruby 588

Ruby Rogues,
The Best of Ruby and JavaScript in 2023 - RUBY 590

The Best of Ruby and JavaScript in 2023 - RUBY 590

Ruby Rogues,
Pitchfork, Falcon, and Performant HTTP Servers - RUBY 587

Pitchfork, Falcon, and Performant HTTP Servers - RUBY 587

Ruby Rogues,
Web Hosting and Maintaining - RUBY 586

Web Hosting and Maintaining - RUBY 586

Ruby Rogues,
Developing Video Games with Ruby and DragonRuby - RUBY 585

Developing Video Games with Ruby and DragonRuby - RUBY 585

Ruby Rogues,
Things Software Developers Should Know to Succeed With Andy Hunt - RUBY 579

Things Software Developers Should Know to Succeed With Andy Hunt - RUBY 579

Ruby Rogues,
Boosting Your App's Performance - RUBY 578

Boosting Your App's Performance - RUBY 578

Ruby Rogues,
Leaving Rails and the Journey Back with Trae Robrock - RUBY 577

Leaving Rails and the Journey Back with Trae Robrock - RUBY 577

Ruby Rogues,
DevOps, Mentoring, and Careers with Kinsey Durham - RUBY 576

DevOps, Mentoring, and Careers with Kinsey Durham - RUBY 576

Ruby Rogues,
Dealing with System Issues In Your Apps - RUBY 575

Dealing with System Issues In Your Apps - RUBY 575

Ruby Rogues,
Life Beyond Bootcamps - RUBY 568

Life Beyond Bootcamps - RUBY 568

Ruby Rogues,
Turbo with Rails Creates Happiness ft. Alexandre Ruban - RUBY 567

Turbo with Rails Creates Happiness ft. Alexandre Ruban - RUBY 567

Ruby Rogues,
 Where do I Deploy Now that Heroku's Free Tier is Gone? - RUBY 566

Where do I Deploy Now that Heroku's Free Tier is Gone? - RUBY 566

Ruby Rogues,
A Novel Type and Effect-Guided Synthesis Tool for Ruby with Sankha Guria - RUBY 553

A Novel Type and Effect-Guided Synthesis Tool for Ruby with Sankha Guria - RUBY 553

Ruby Rogues,
Kafka and Karafka Integrations with Maciej Mensfeld - RUBY 550

Kafka and Karafka Integrations with Maciej Mensfeld - RUBY 550

Ruby Rogues,
Your Tools Matter: Should you change your tooling? - RUBY 549

Your Tools Matter: Should you change your tooling? - RUBY 549

Ruby Rogues,
Be a 1x Developer - RUBY 548

Be a 1x Developer - RUBY 548

Ruby Rogues,
